Thursday, September 5, 2013

Over the summer for AP Art I thought I did a lot of things. I went to Duluth and took lots of pictures. I practically had one of the many sketch books i own with me everyday. I did as much drawing as I could and did my best to complete my assignments even if there was some issues with and without technology. But with many if the things I could do I was able to complete then to the best if my current ability with all the photographs and the sketching that I did. But mostly I felt successful in the drawing that I did. I tried out something different in order to help myself in a way that I would be satisfied. I developed a way of drawing a base form before putting anything on and it made me very happy to see how they turn out!

I wished I was able to paint more over this summer though. I didn't realize how little paint that I had to work with and I wasn't able to go out and buy any. It's sad that I wasn't able to develop my painting more but sometimes things in life do not work out perfectly. 

But over the summer I did take lots of pictures. In Duluth I took over 400 pictures! Though unfortunately the pictures that I took after that where some how deleted and lost which makes me sad but there is nothing I can do to fix that. But what I did manage to photograph I feel rather proud off. They look really nice and I took pictures if anything and everything that I could see or that I liked when we walked around. 

Despite some hiccups I work hard and accomplished what I could with what I had.

Some pictures taken over the summer

Monday, September 2, 2013

Surfing around on the websites that we were required to look at confused me greatly. I wasn't sure what to look at for many or any of the sites that we were to look at. There were so many links to look at still. And the lay outs really rather confused me. I know what we were supposed to be doing based on the packet for those links but how to do that was the question.
• Think about your goals for AP
-A goal I would like to try and accomplish is to try and think outside of the box more. Being more creative instead of sticking with what I know.
-Another goal I would like to try and do is draw/paint a bit more realistically whether it being in terms of color, hue and shading or if it is trying to draw/paint objects more realistically since I have a hard time with it.

• What materials do you wish to work in (media)?
-I don't have a set preference in media. Depending on what I am doing will determine the media I use unless I have to use a set one but I don't think that would be a problem all that much.

• What skills do you already have (strength and weaknesses)
-I think a major weakness I have is bodily proportions and sometimes proportion in general.
-I am not very good at drawing the human figure in a more realistic sense.
-A strength I think I have is my ability to be rather detailed when it serves it's purpose and being rather simplistic in others.
- I haven't really thought of it much so these aren't the best answers. 

• What subjects do you hope to develop?
- I do not understand what 'subjects' is supposed to mean in this.

• What are your top 5 projects that you feel you must do?
- I don't understand this question either.

• Do you plan to study art or a related field in college?
- Yes. I would love to turn art into a career and study it in college more. I'm not sure what quite yet but I know I want to be in some sort of art related feel. It is what I love to do and I want to pursue that love.
• Why are you taking AP?
- I'm taking AP because I want to develop more. The other art classes i have taken through the years have helped but AP is more advanced an i think it will push me more and have to think a lot harder in order to produce the best work that I possibly can make.

• What do you hope to get out of it?
- I hope to get out of this more knowledge that I can apply to my own art work outside of school and to develop that knowledge and skill in order to do so. I know I'm not the best but I still want to work at it.

• Are you willing to spend your own money for some supplies?
- If I absolutely have to then yes I will. If there is some way I can make do with what I got that will work as well. But it is still a yes.